The e-Learning space serves as a one-stop shop providing instant access to the full suite of gamified digital learning resources.

The e-platform of the courses created by the STAGE project is based on the open-source software Moodle, managed by the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (the Czech Republic). Moodle is a learning management system that is widely used not only within the corporate sector, but also in the academic environment.

The advantages are:

  1. Flexibility and extensibility: thanks to its modular architecture, Moodle can be adapted to specific needs.
  2. Interactive tools: Moodle offers interactive tools for interactions between users (e.g. between students and teachers, between researchers, etc.).
  3. Content management: users can easily create, manage and share content including presentations, documents and multimedia files.
  4. Progress tracking: it allows users to track the progress of logged-in users, evaluate their work and provide feedback.

Moodle is widely used for course management, assignments and communication between users. It is a certified educational platform used at universities and most secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Moodle is also used for delivering vocational courses and for distance learning, allowing people to study from anywhere and at any time. Due to its openness, it is also often used for community education projects, where people share experiences and create educational materials for the general public.

How to get into the STAGE courses:

  1. Click on the Visit E-platform link for the selected course (Dutch, Cyprus, Czech, Italian, or Greek).
  2. The following window will appear. Select Log in as a guest.

3. It will automatically open the course of Your choice and You can start browsing the materials, activities and tasks.

USB – Do you want to learn new concepts about climate change? Or do you just want to improve your creative skills or focus on self-development? Then this course is for you!

USB (CZ) – Chcete se dozvědět novým konceptům o změně klimatu? Nebo se chcete jen zdokonalit ve svých tvůrčích dovednostech či se zaměřit na rozvoj sebe sama? Pak je tento kurz přesně pro Vás!

CARDET – The impact and the role of public engagement in scientists‘ professional development is what you will learn in this course.

RUG – In these two courses you will learn both what sustainability issues are and how to write and speak about such scientific topics for a non-scientific audience.

UoC – How does the public view climate change? What is their attitude towards this issue? And do they believe everything they hear in the various media or do they have some doubts? Public’s perspectives and distrust in science is the key topic this course deals with.

UNIBO – If you wish to get better at acquiring of analysis skills on resources and complex situation in relation to climate change, then this course will fit you well!

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